Welcome to Synopse AI

Dive deeper into the world around you with Synopse, your personalized gateway to captivating news and insightful stories. Immerse yourself in a universe of diverse narratives, curated by cutting-edge AI technology.

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AI-powered news and stories

Explore a curated feed of engaging articles, blog posts, and social media insights tailored to your interests.

Beyond headlines, deeper understanding

Ask follow-up questions and get AI-generated answers to unlock hidden depths within stories.

Listen, learn, and explore

Immerse yourself in narratives with AI-powered narration that brings stories to life.


Unbiased News Summaries

Unlock the power of curiosity: Discover diverse perspectives, explore new knowledge, and fuel your lifelong learning.

Challenge your understanding: Go beyond passive consumption. Ask questions, delve deeper, and shape your own conclusions.

Stay informed, stay engaged: Immerse yourself in the world of stories and keep your finger on the pulse of current events.

An Interface For Lifestyle

Synopse AI not only keeps you updated with your lifestyle tasks but also enriches your day with Audio News. With Synopse AU, you can listen to news updates on the go or during your daily routines, making it easy to stay informed without having to dedicate time to reading. Moreover, our platform encourages constructive and valuable discussions through Reputation-Based Audio Comments. Users earn reputation points by actively engaging with our app, and only those with a certain level of reputation can post audio comments. This ensures that every interaction on Synopse is meaningful.


Audio News

In addition to text summaries, Synopse AU offers audio versions of the news, allowing users to listen to updates on the go or during their daily routines.

Reputation-Based Audio Comments

Users gain reputation points for active participation. Only those with a certain level can post audio comments, ensuring constructive and valuable discussion.

Tone-Enhancing Audio Moments

Audio formats capture a user’s tone better than text, encouraging thoughtful expression and meaningful interactions.

Responsible Opinion Sharing

Synopse AI encourages responsible expression of opinions, promoting thoughtful and respectful communication.